Unlike a conventional clock case, the case for this regulator takes the form of a cover.
Its functions are to protect the clock from dust, shield from air currents, and dampen temperature change.
As the testing and collection of performance data from this clock will be paramount, the case will incorporate built in sensors [Microset] for pendulum rate and amplitude, temperature, humidity and barometric pressure.
The mechanism is lit from above with four discreet 1-watt LED lights, with any heat transferred upwards and away through alloy mountings.
The following design criteria were used to keep disturbance to the mechanism at a minimum.
Winding is undertaken through a small brass covered aperture in the hood door.
To protect the mechanism from air turbulence and minimal introduction of dust, access to the pendulum is through a removable glazed panel in the front of the lower case.
The case is in two parts: lower case and hood.
The complete case runs on castors and is easily withdrawn, leaving the complete mechanism and pendulum mounted and running.
Alternatively, the hood can be removed completely, or the door of the hood opened.
The case doors and access panels are all secured with knurled screwed knobs.
The case is built in hardwood, fully veneered in burr walnut and smoked eucalyptus, and French polished.
The inlaid white maple centre line is my not-very-subtle reference to the Greenwich Meridian.